Negar, Rambod Javan’s crime-mystery story, was immediately considered a hit following its first screening at the Fajr Film Festival, and went to immense box office success throughout the year. In Javan’s hands, and with great help from French-Iranian composer Christophe Rezaei, Ehsan Goudarzi’s complex, multi-layer narrative becomes a chilling, tense exercise. Negar tells the story of the titular young woman (played by the character’s namesake, Negar Javaherian) who loses her father to suicide. Not believing the story of her father’s death, she embarks on a journey to find the real culprit for his murder. Javaherian shines in an unfamiliar role, and stands out in a stellar cast that also includes Mohammadreza Foroutan and Mani Haghighi.
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